It's so hard for me to start writing the essay, that as an excuse I am writing blogs one after another. Yesterday, when I was dreaming about dreams, I suddenly recollected my life in Moscow and started to compare it with my local life. They differ in the same way as the two pictures above. I am so happy to stay in Canada, that I dont even pay attention to the problems that I have, though they are very serious, and I really haven't decided yet how I will solve them. No, of course, I know the way I have to pass to reach the goal, however, there is no garantee that I' ll succed. My decision to study English at the University was absolutely right ( thank you very much for the Faculty of Education, that you have accepted me), on the other hand it occupies all my time and I have to postpone my medical exams, because it is useless to try passing them not being well prepared. On the third hand ( or leg) when I first started reading this "holly cow" "Toronto Notes" I was shocked, because of a great amount of new words and terms. I was sure that I would have never learned them ( I mean in English). Now the process is going unexpectedly fast, (thank you very much for the LEAP program). Maybe the next presentation I will devote totally to the medical aspects, like analys of electrocardiogram or examination of the patient with jaundice.
As far as above pictures are concerned, these are the views from My windows in Moscow and in Calgary.
Hello, Yulia! I also decided to write blogs every day :) We'll see for how long my determination will last :)
Wow! What a big change of the view through your window!! Rocky mountains are so beautiful, aren't they? I would probably spend half of my days watching through the window if I had such a beautiful view :)
Good luck studing for your medical exams!
I also found it difficult to start my essay....
And the view outside your window are great(both of them).!!
And it sounds like you really like your medical career!!Good LUcK!!
Happy reading week!
I can understand you totaly!!!
It is absolutely difficult starting a new life in other country, and problably it is more difficult here in Canada. It is amazing how they are desperately needing doctor and engineers; however, it is so hard to immigrants to obtain a license to work.
I know it is difficult but never give up and good luck.
The pictures of your cat are soooooo great! I totally laughed when I saw his pushed in face :-)
I'm glad that you feel like your English is improving in the LEAP program. That would be a great idea to try some kind of medical presentation for the next presentation. One of the topics for chapter 3 is "Advances in Medicine".
nice pictures. For about 15 minutes I was trying to know where exactly isthe first picture in Calgary, but after reading the blog I realized that it was in MOscow. I think Moscow is even cooler than calgary, am it right?
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